Oba Kagekane (大庭景兼)

Kagekane OBA was a samurai warrior in the beginning of the Kamakura period. He was of a branch line of the Kanmu-Heishi (TAIRA clan). He was the legitimate son of Kageyoshi OBA.

He was also known as Oba Kojiro Kagekane.

After Kageyoshi OBA, who played an important role in the early days of the Kamakura period as an elder, went into priesthood, Kagekane took over as the head of the family.

It is estimated that he disappeared or fell from power during the Battle of Wada in 1213, one of the greatest events in the history of purging of powerful samurai by Yoshitoki HOJO.

His whereabouts are unknown after 1213.

Kagetsura OBA, who was assigned to jito (manager and lord of manor) of Bingo Province in the same year, is assumed to be either a brother, son, or a close blood relative of Kagekane.

[Original Japanese]